Tournament Questions Answered Here
All events and games will be played at Freedom Courts Sportsplex located at 3130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC 28306
1. COED'S height net
2. Each team must have minimum of 2 women on the roster
3. At least 2 women must be on the court at ALL TIMES
4. Each player must play at least one full set per match in pool play to be eligible for playoffs. (this rule is in place to ensure there is no sandbagging by bringing in "fresh" players to win in playoffs)
5. Maximum of 8 players per team
6. NO woman touch rule
7. Best of 3 sets to 25. Third set to 15.
8. Double elimination.
Team registration is $210 or $35 per player up to 8 players ($280).
• There will be no water stations.
• Additional hand sanitizer and hand washing stations will be available throughout the facility.
• We encourage attendees to bring their own hand sanitizer.
• Officials will have sanitizing wipes to wipe down game balls after each match.
• All tournament staff are required to monitor and make sure they are symptom free before the start of their
shift and throughout the event.
• Additional signage will be posted on staying 6 ft apart, washing your hands often, being aware of symptoms, etc., to try and keep COVID awareness at the forefront of participant’s minds.
• Concessions areas to eat will be held outside of the facility to ensure masks stay on within the facility.
• Staff will be monitoring the entrances into the facility for food and other prohibited items.
Attendee Guidelines:
• Masks will be MANDATED for all attendees over the age of 2 years old to enter the facility and throughout their entire attendance of the event.
• We highly recommend athletes continue to wear masks while playing on the court.
• Nose and Mouth must be fully covered by a face covering when not actively participating in a match.
• NOT PERMITTED: mesh material masks, face shields without a mask, and masks with holes.
• Facility Staff reserve the right to remove SPECTATORS from the facility, and event, for not wearing a proper mask.
NO EXCEPTIONS, if you are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons, please do not attend the event.
Those who are vaccinated are still required to wear a mask.
Staff along with CEVC, request that those meeting the CDC’s definition of “at risk” review and consider the CDC’s recommendations for travel.
Specific Team Guidelines:
• There will be no handshakes before or after matches between participants.
• Spectators will not switch sides during the match.
• Only 1 representative from each team will participate in the coin toss.
The coin toss will be conducted with each representative on their respective 10ft. line.
The winner of the coin toss will only have the decision of whether to serve or receive.
The higher seed in the pool will choose its side before warmups begin.
Officiating teams will wipe down game balls, worktables, and official stand after each match with disinfectant wipes.
Work Teams:
New to 2021: Teams will need to provide a rostered player/staff to serve as a down ref (R2) for all matches. An R1 and scorekeeper will be provided for each match.
• Teams will provide one (1) down referee, two (2) line-judges, one (1) flip scorer/libero tracker/BallerTV operator for work team assignments.
• There will be no flags for line judges.
• The same people will need to work the entire match, no changing between sets.
• Only 2 players/staff are allowed at the scorers table to sit with the scorer of the match, any additional personnel at the table will be asked to leave.
• Down Refs are highly encouraged to use an electric handheld whistle, but if you do not have one you will use hand signals and/or use a traditional whistle under your mask – Down Refs are still required to wear their mask the entire match.
Prior to Arrival
Wash and sanitize your hands prior to arriving
Clean and wipe down your backpack, water bottle and any other equipment
Bring FULL water bottles with you that will supply more than enough water for the event as water fountains will not be functional
During Play
Switch sides counterclockwise (to your right) instead of underneath to increase distance
If a ball from another court comes to you use your foot to kick it back
Sanitize hands during time outs and between matches
Sanitizing wipes will be provided for each court. Sanitize balls between each match.
After Play
Sanitize and/or wash hands immediately following each match
Sanitize game balls
Go home, immediately wash your hands with soap and water and shower
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Jul 17Freedom Courts Sportsplex